An enzyme immunoassay drug test is an important tool for healthcare providers and patients alike. At Trinity Medical Laboratories in Marlton, NJ, this test is one of the many diagnostic tools we have at our disposal. An accurate EIA test can give healthcare workers crucial information, which can then be used to develop an effective treatment plan, and increase patient safety and wellbeing.

How Does Drug Testing With Enzyme Immunoassay drug test Work?

Detecting Analytes

Whether a specific or range of drugs is being looked for, we will be able to test the sample accordingly with an enzyme immunoassay drug test. In the case of drug testing, the analyte we’d be looking to detect would be the drug itself. We will use antibodies that are specific to this drug. If there is a reaction, an active enzyme will form. If the sample changes color, that will indicate the presence of enzymes.

This color change will be monitored and measured by a device known as a spectrophotometric analyzer. The larger the enzyme formation, the higher the analyte content present in the sample. If the enzyme level is over a certain margin, this would lead to a “positive” test. The spectrophotometric analyzer’s sensitivity will help us to pinpoint changes that would be almost impossible to determine otherwise.

Sample Collection

The kind of sample being used depends on the kind of test being run. EIA tests can be run on a range of different body fluids, but for a drug test, blood, saliva, or urine is most often used.

Urine Sample

Urine is the sample most commonly used for drug testing. It tends to be less expensive than gathering a blood sample, while also being less invasive for the patient. To top it off, tests run on urine samples are very sensitive and accurate. All that said, the accuracy of urine tests has been known for a long enough time that there are ongoing attempts to undermine how trustworthy the samples you gather are.

One thing to keep in mind is the prevalence of synthetic urine and the subversion industry. The use of synthetic urine is prominent, with some manufacturers skillfully matching the gravity, pH levels, composition, and coloring of real urine. Our lab is currently the only lab in New Jersey that offers synthetic urine detection, so you can know that the sample you have provided us with is authentic.

Blood Sample

Blood samples are also used for EIA tests. When deciding whether to use a blood or urine sample for the EIA test, several factors should be taken into consideration. Blood tests may be better at indicating very recent and specific substance abuse. Urine samples, depending on what is being tested for, can shed traces of a drug for longer than a blood sample. How long traces of the drug will last in urine depends on the drug itself.

Whether you opt for a blood or urine sample can depend on why someone is being tested, such as if it is a routine workplace test, or if it is a test for a DUI or a patient suffering from substance abuse. Our lab can help you determine whether a blood or urine sample would be most appropriate for your needs.

Oral Swab

Oral swabs have come a long way in terms of accuracy. EIA tests have been run on oral swabs, but the list of drugs being tested for tends to be more limited. Using an oral swab bypasses the possibility of synthetic urine, but there have actually been some attempts at using non-human or synthetic saliva to foil oral swabs, so care still has to be taken when collecting the sample.

For drug tests, urine samples tend to be preferred over oral swabs. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for oral swab samples; oral swabs may be able to pick up very recent drug usage, which can be helpful in some cases.

Hair Tests

This test isn’t ideal if you are testing for recent use. It is a better diagnostic tool when it comes to testing for habitual or long-term use of a drug. However, as the use of an illegal drug can be identified in hair for such a long time, sometimes even months, it tends to be a better approach to use a urine or blood sample.

Turn-Around Time

We specialize in fast results. In most cases, you can expect your results back in 24 hours. If we are experiencing a high level of requests, the turn-around time may be a bit longer. If you reach out to us and ask for an estimate, we will let you know when you can expect the results back. Be assured that we will do our utmost to get the results out as quickly as possible.

Accurate Results

To ensure we have consistent results that can be trusted, we use cloned analyte-specific enzyme donors. This allows for reliable results that can be effectively reproduced for even further confidence in our results.

What Are the Benefits of an EIA Test?

Drug testing doesn’t have to be complicated or overly expensive. Employers and health care providers all need to know that their results are accurate. They also need results back promptly. EIA can fulfill that need by providing accurate and timely results without costing an arm and a leg.

Helping Those With Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

In order to help those who are struggling with substance abuse, you have to have the right diagnostic tools. When a patient is struggling to overcome an addiction, an EIA test can help give you a more accurate picture of what substance is being used, and whether the individual could have multiple drugs in their system. This will help layout the right foundation for a treatment plan.


An EIA test can be a helpful accountability tool as well. If someone knows they may be drug tested at some point, they may be less likely to misuse their medication. By encouraging legal and compliant use of medications such as opioids or benzos, it can help protect the patient’s safety and health.

This can be especially true for those who are recovering from an addiction. Addiction recovery takes an incredible amount of strength and persistence. The accountability that a test such as an EIA can provide may help a person who is recovering from addiction to stay the course. In this way, it can be a tool used to help decrease relapses and set the person up for a better chance at a complete recovery.

Peace of Mind

EIA is known for its accuracy. Having that peace of mind is invaluable for everyone involved. The quick results mean less time nervously waiting for answers. Especially when it comes to applying treatment or giving medication, having the right answers as soon as possible can make a huge difference and be a significant relief.

No Side Effects and Minimal Hassle

This is a completely safe process for the person being tested. There are certain foods or medications that a doctor may ask the patient to stop taking before the test, but usually, those being tested can continue eating and drinking the same as they usually do.

What Else Can Enzyme Immunoassay Drug Test Be Used For?

Although it is often used as a tool for drug testing, there’s a lot more EIA can do. In addition to being able to detect analytes such as opioids, sedatives, and a variety of other drugs, it can also be used for a range of diagnostic purposes. It can be used as a tool to diagnose hormonal issues by detecting certain reproductive hormones and steroids.

Allergies and autoimmune diseases often will produce telltale proteins and antibodies. If these proteins and antibodies are discovered during an EIA test, it can help a patient get closer to a diagnosis, and then a treatment that could make their life easier and more comfortable.

It Can Detect Cancer Markers

Certain kinds of cancer produce a hormone or protein at higher rates than healthy cells. These are known as tumor or cancer markers. EIA can be even more effective than imaging tests in the very early stages of cancer, as it can help to detect these markers while the cancer is still too minimal to be spotted by imaging tests.

It Can Detect Certain Viruses and STDs

In addition to being used in detecting hormonal concerns, allergies, cancer, and autoimmune diseases, EIA can be used to detect certain viruses and STDs such as:

  • Hepatitis B and C
  • HIV
  • Syphilis
  • Lyme Disease

All of these diseases can have serious consequences if they are left untreated. When someone has cause to believe that they could be dealing with a serious illness, having the ability to be screened and have the illness either confirmed or ruled out could lead to better treatment options, or at the very least a better night’s sleep.

Can Anything Interfere With the Accuracy of an Enzyme Immunoassay Drug Test?

When all the right steps are taken, EIA tests are well respected and considered very dependable. There are, however, a couple of things that can interfere with an EIA test that should be kept in mind.

Expired Samples, or Samples That Have Been Tampered With

Expired or insufficient samples won’t be able to be tested accurately. It’s important that all of the right steps are taken to provide the best sample possible.

In addition, if samples are tampered with, that can affect the accuracy of results. This is one of the reasons we offer screening for synthetic urine, which can help catch an attempt to interfere with the quality of the sample.

Certain Foods and Medications

Healthcare providers should be aware of all the medication a patient is taking before a sample is collected. This includes herbal supplements. This will help reduce the chance of a false positive on the drug test.

Poppy seeds are an often unexpected example of something that should not be eaten before a drug test, as it could cause a false positive for morphine. We recommend putting the poppyseed bagels to the side until the test is complete.

We Offer Tests You Can Trust

Our team at Trinity Medical Laboratories takes great pride and fulfillment in what we do. We know how hard the healthcare community works to give care to those who need it the most. That’s why we strive for accuracy and speed, to give our healthcare providers the right results as quickly as possible. Located in Marlton, NJ, we offer multiple diagnostic tests. Contact Trinity Medical Laboratories today to learn more!

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