Synthetic Urine Detection

Synthetic Urine Detection

At Trinity Medical Laboratories in Marlton, NJ, we offer the service of synthetic urine detection. Currently, and despite its importance, we are the only New Jersey lab that runs this test. There are many people out there who don’t realize how prevalent and potentially effective fake urine samples can be, so we are here to give you some information on what our approach to urine detection involves.

What Is It?

As the use of synthetic urine increases in popularity, the need to be able to tell if a sample is genuine is also on the rise. Synthetic urine detection tests for certain markers that are only found in human urinary tracts. While it can be helpful to test things such as color and heat, those elements can actually be duplicated.

With color, it’s as simple as adding dye into the fake sample. As for heat, some fake urine even comes with heating pads so that when the sample is handed off, it’s the right temperature. Synthetic urine can also be pretty good at imitating the chemical properties and composition of human urine. That is why we test for human “markers” within urine that can’t be duplicated.

Understanding the Subversion Industry

It may seem wild to consider that there is a whole booming industry surrounding fake urine, but there is. Synthetic urine is more readily available than you’d think. When someone is looking to falsify a urine test, they can either go online or find a source through word of mouth. Some sources make fake urine that can be very challenging to tell apart from the real thing if you don’t have the right tools.

What Is Synthetic Urine?

What synthetic urine is made of varies depending on the source, but it generally consists of coloring to make it look convincing, and other compounds combined with creatinine to match the composition and behavior of urine as closely as possible.

It can also include ammonia, sulfates, and uric acid. Some of the more convincing samples will even go as far as to match the gravity and pH level of authentic urine.

How Is It Made?

The most convincing fake urines are made by a chemist. These will be mixed very specifically and accurately. Most chemists who make fake urine are making it for completely legitimate purposes. The problem is when the synthetic urine ends up in the hands of someone who specifically caters to those who are looking to falsify a drug test.

Take Your Test to the Next Level

If you want the confidence and peace of mind that the synthetic urine detection service you use is truly accurate, contact Trinity Medical Laboratories in Marlton, NJ, today. Why risk the safety of your clients and employees? With fake urine increasing its ability to be convincing, your tests need to up their standards as well.